07595 397964

Gemstone Essence Blends

Balance Blend

Balance helps to restore stability during times of anxiety, indecision, loss of focus and insecurity. Available as stock and spray, roller-ball and corresponding cell salts.


Indications for use: Disorientation and loss of focus regarding the way forward; indecision; disheartenment; deficient will; distraction; insecurity; foreboding; negativity; anxiety.

Gemstone Essences Component

Inca Agate  

Essential Oils Component

Celery Seed
Roman chamomile

Cell Salts Component

Calc. sulph.  
Nat. mur.


Essential oils are highly concentrated, therapeutic agents with multiple benefits for mind, body and spirit. But bear in mind that they require respect and basic understanding of their applications. Essential oils are used in increments of drops, and ‘less can be more’ when working with pure aromatherapy oils. Remember also that the effect created is an interraction between the oil, the dilution, and the individual. Some people are more sensitive than others, and should exercise greater caution. Always keep essential oils of out the reach of children, and away from your eyes. For external use only.      

Gemstone Essence Blends


I provide a holistic solution to pain relief through a variety of gentle, profound modalities, including Craniosacral therapy. Treatment is individually tailored to your own needs. 

To book an appointment call 07595 397964.

Aromatherapy Blends

Tap into the power of plants and nature with my hand-blended, deep-acting essential oil blends.

Flower Essence Blends

Flower Essences are gentle remedies made from the life force of flowering plants and trees. Whenever emotions or thoughts are out of balance, flower essences can be helpful. I provide a customised flower essence blend using Alaskan Essences.

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Please feel free to get in touch with me to discuss or enquire about my products. Call 07595 397964 or send me a message. I look forward to hearing from you.

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